
This blog was established for the Typography 3 students of Kendall College of Art + Design.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


i really hope somebody posts. theres no way i'm gunna be in the shittiest class that bore the mighty Jason wrath. fuck that. i'm willing to sacrifice dignity and social life for typography. whats up with the rest of you? now i had to go and sound like a total elitist ass kiss jack ass...super. have a great weekend all!


At 9:22 AM, Blogger jalger said...

Thanks for your support, Rex. I'm doing my best to control my wrath. At times though, it makes me feel like I'm being apathetic. At other times, I see my apathy as a reaction to that of the students. If they don't want to take or show an interest in their chosen field, who am I to tell them they have to.

Welcome to my world...

At 12:06 PM, Blogger JayBolt said...

I have to say I am not innocent in forgetting about the blog. I have gotten more diligent with it now. I am all about typography, collaborating, sharing thoughts, and having open dialog with the class. This blog is a great tool and yes it is a bloody shame not to take advantage of it. Personally I have never blogged until this class and have done 99% of my communicating in person or on the phone. Until I bought my laptop I only used the computer for working on projects. This is a transition for me that I am getting more used to after these first few weeks. It just starts to become a habit after a while and is cool seeing what everyone has to add. So yes people need to take this thing serious and stop being lame buttfaces and use the damn blog! I know in my case I had to get in the habit of using it. So to whoever isn't in the habit.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Nicholas VanHorn said...

Post please. I hope that hopefully we can raise this blog from it's depths at the ocean bed and bring back it's luster.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Karen said...

It's nice to read that no matter the age some of you have never attempted the blog. (like myself) I was a little hesitant using it, but it's going to be okay. LOL. I still prefer face to face, but I am finding some people feel more comfortable using tools like this to communicate. It opens them up - giving them the freedom to speak freely. I will try hard to make it a habit.


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