Can you kill the type?
I found this cool coin
And you can read about how it was made HERE.
After I read, this part stood out to me.
"In order to achieve the image I developed my own single-line font system. I let the line width change within the same character in order to evoke an underlying picture:"
Building on the previous post. Do you think this is an abuse of type?
I thought the Idea of a 'single-line font system' sounded very cool, but then I look close and I got the 'feeling' the type lost all its integrity. It is almost no longer and art but a systematic process that a machine would easily replace the talent and skill of a designer. Personally after I got over the 'oh that is awesome', it looked like a pen exploded and was making blotches all over.
Do you think the integrity of type was destroyed?
I would say the integrity of the type has definitely been comprimised. It's sad considering the history of outstanding design in the Netherlands. Also does having one face on the coin take away from the hundreds of names that make the image?
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