
This blog was established for the Typography 3 students of Kendall College of Art + Design.

Friday, March 28, 2008

make the sound of a dying giraffe...

So I'm surprised that no one has brought this up yet. Animal planet has decided to rebrand a bit and commisioned a new logo from London based firm Dunning Eley Jones , who I'm not familiar with, but allegedly has an awful lot of television related design cred under its belt. The new logo is completely type driven, which makes it very appropriate for our little blog here. I havn't been able to find an official statement from DEJ, but I did find a few forums on fire over the typography. The logo is represented in these post along with some comments.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

I found the logo to be confusing and very amateurish to say the least. From what I've read, many other echo those sentiments. Granted, these are simply the ravings of unknowns on public forums, but it appears the argument is very one sided. So what do you think? I now throw this fledgling logo into the lions pit that is the KCAD type blog. Entertain Ceasar :)


At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw it when I was watching animal police. My first thought was that it was completely wrong for animal planet. It does look ametur, and definately not as polished and appropriate as it's predecessor.
(btw- I love the type3 blog... I wish when I had type 3 more people posted like your class) good job guys!

At 6:42 PM, Blogger rzdesign said...

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At 5:19 PM, Blogger k.deyoung said...

i'm seeing things in it: AM 13 AL. i think they should have pushed the whole animal thing farther


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