
This blog was established for the Typography 3 students of Kendall College of Art + Design.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

a currency created for use in space

here is the site that features an article on it

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

New UK currency

Thought this was fun for anyone working on the currency project. Found it at
http://deathbykerning.blogspot.com/ if any one wants to know more.
From what I read it was a contest open to everyone and they had about 500 people
enter with about 4000 designs total. Thoughts and comments?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Gum Thief

Crush Inc. put out these promotional clips for Douglas Coupland's book The Gum Thief. Love what they're doing with the type. Here is the link for all of them http://www.crushinc.com/gum_thief/
Here are two of my favorites: