
This blog was established for the Typography 3 students of Kendall College of Art + Design.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A short film

I was just pokin around the interne and found a short film on Milton Glaser. I liked it and wanted to share it. So if you get a chance take a peek.


Oh and there's one with sagmeister as well


And yet another, directly relating to typography


Oh hell, just check out hillmancurtis.com and watch some shorts... there way good

Monday, February 19, 2007

"What's Typography?"

Have you ever tried to explain what typography is to someone who has no knowledge of Graphic Design? Have you ever felt the burning anger brew in the pit of your stomach as some ignorant fool tries to understand your definition but you know they have no clue what you’re talking about? You try to explain the need for people like us, who understand how to effectively communicate though type, but people don’t understand. They think typefaces are irrelevant and it doesn’t matter.
How do you deal with these people? How do you explain what you’re doing in Typography 3 class to your business major cousin at a family get-together? Do common people (aka anyone who’s not a graphic designer) need to know that choosing Comic Sans is a terrible typographic sin? Do they need to be told that 16 pt. Papyrus is NOT an acceptable choice for their customised emails? Do “commoners” need to know what good typography is, or should we let them be ignorant and just enjoy our pretty pictures and words?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Death or Growth?

Type, throughout the years has taken all manners of shape and form, it has continually evolved. Now that we've reached a digital era, most type work is done on computers, of course there are those that still do "handmade" type, but this to eventually enters the digital realm. So I suppose what I'm getting at is this; the form of type seems to be heavily influenced by the available material and media. This is pretty evident with all those fun little fonts you can pick up on the internet. Where do we see type going from here? Will it flourish and continue to grow? Or will the over abundance of available material and media, stunt its growth? Will type be able to maintain a high quality, or will it diminish?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What Da Font?

So most of us have be guilty of this at one point in time in our lives. We've seen a font on a free site decide to download it. We really could careless about how it was made or what its origin is, but should we? I found this article on the AIGA website
here is the link: http://designforum.aiga.org/content.cfm?ContentAlias=%5Fgetfullarticle&aid=291450

So here is my question: Should we as graphic designers be type purists? With that being said how many of us truly tend to shy away from free font sites when we are working on a project (IE logo design, poster design, etc)? I myself will go through my entire system fonts before I go look for other alternatives, so I guess I do use some discretion, but what does everyone else think?