What type say you
"Fonts are only partial products designed by type designers, incomplete until applied by a typographer (which also explains the difference between type design and typography)"
In an article titled fonts in use posted on the typotheque website,the author comments how fonts are not complete until applied in design. The use of a font can complete and compliment the essence of a work. kinda made me reconsider how a type needs to be chosen. It was interesting to me to think about the type, does it completes the design, does the design complete the type, or is it that balance. What I did below is take my name and applied a type to it which I feel works really well and gives off the appeal I was going for. Does it complete the type? Although there are endless situations where this font is applicable, does the design complete the font. What truth is there to these statements? Is it possible for the type to be incomplete until working? What do you think?
the article concludes
"you, the users of our fonts, make our work complete."